Monday, August 20, 2012


Well people, first I want to thank you for reading Captain America’s fun and fact filled posts (lol).  Your Captain started his blog in June of this year and there have been 6,250 hits to the site since then.  I appreciate it.  I promise to continue the blog without having any 24 hour money-thons to get my readers to donate money to me or beg on Broadway for SPAC tickets.  I will also promise not to have you think I have cancer so that I can get money from saps who believe I do, just so I can take a vacation with my wife Joyce, did I say Joyce?  I didn’t mean her.

Well just some interesting bits on area oddities.
It seems one of our greatest Mayor’s in the history of Saratoga Spring (and that’s going back hundreds of years when the area was known as Well Water Junction, by the Indians), translated that means mucho aqua.  Anyway, Mr. Johnson took umbrage to Lucian McCarty’s blog post about him (Lucian) asking the Mayor many, many times about his appointing a Commission at this late stage after 3 years of saying he could do so.  Well in a phone call with the Mayor it seems Sir Scotty said it wasn’t funny to keep making it seem like he was ducking the issue.  To that I say REALLY?  After 4 years?  Mr. Mayor, your middle name is Duck.  I hate to pick on the Mayor all the time (he does deserve it) because I am involved with Republicans on many levels and they think he is a little batty also.  I’ll have more later.

By the way, has anyone found Tamara yet?  Wonder Woman left a spare costume.

 Thanks again.


  1. Why not tell us how you really feel about JT and also some of his cohorts like Phil Diamond and John Kauffman.

    1. How I feel about JT is just about how 99.9% feel about him. He serves no purpose other than to hurt and try to poison the personal lives of people and their reputations for sport. The rest follow him and are right to have their opinion but at least they do not publicly try to destroy a person with lies and false documentation.

  2. Who do you guess will be part of the commission put together by Johnson to review the charter? The usual suspects?

    1. If and it is a big IF, Johnson appoints a Commission at this late date, it will most likely be the usual suspects or at least ones hand picked to not be objective but to follow the orders of the Mayor.
      Remember, a Commission must meet in open meetings so that all citizens can witness the proceedings and ask questions. There can be no closed door meetings and if it is found that there were then the State will penalize those involved, and there will not be an endless lawsuit against the State.
