Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Well, it looks like the Tattler’s are missing one tattle tale, Tamara Valentine.  This should be a story for Lucian Mc Carty.  Lucian I beg you, please find Tamara.  She was my favorite Tattler and now she blows it and drops out of the quartet and now the group has become the Tattler’s Trio. 

 It could have been that Tamara attended the many social events as a participant and couldn’t write about what the heck these people do other than spend $500.00 a plate and buy at auction a $39.00 Timex watch for $6,000.00.  Now calm down, I know the money goes to needy non profits but it makes great tales to read about, but I want background details, what happens when the lights go down, who walks off with full bottles and continues the party at home etc.?

There is a lot of good material to be written after we know who was at these events, but alas, we will never know.  Now before any of you say ‘why not find out yourself and write about it’, I don’t think it would be proper.  I would look foolish wearing a tux over my uniform and that damn shield would keep getting away, although women do like the Captain America mask and uniform, well, to hell with the tux give me a notebook and pen and $500.00 to eat.

If anyone finds Tamara let me know, she has to be in trouble somewhere, then I could swoop in and save the day.


  1. Interesting 'table talk' and behaviors ('It's all about me !")at the the Hospital fundraiser, as reported by Steve Barnes of the TU:
    "In truth, however, only a minority of partygoers appeared to be paying attention to the selling of restaurant dinners, trips, sports items and other indulgences ($2,100 for a 4-foot-long outdoor fire pit, $2,300 for a home sauna, $3,400 for a shopping spree at Nordstrom in Chicago, San Francisco or Newport Beach).

    Instead, they compared noshing notes. "Stay away from the chicken," warned a prominent chef. "Those crab claws are impossible to eat," said a woman with a butterfly tattooed on her left scapula, "but the shrimp are to die for."

    And they said things like this: "Also, you should see me sue. I sue like crazy. I'm a champion suer."

    And this: "I got a guy who wants to buy it. He's going to give me 3 for it."

    "How much were you hoping for?"


    "Take it."

    "I'm thinking he'll go 3-2. He really wants it.""

    Full story here:

  2. Instead of being the Tattlers, they should have been called Tommy's Tools.

    As in tommy roohan. They all work for him.

  3. Dear Captain: Remember when I called this one when I first heard of the TT's. I said let's see how long it will be until the cat fighting begins. I called it!

    You should have a contest to see which TT will go next. Just sayin.

  4. Ah...
    Roohan Roto-Rooters ?

  5. Ever hear of four cats ever getting along?

  6. Can anyone tell us who the tattlers are and why they have this name?

  7. I take it you don't get the Saratogian. The original Toga Tattlers were Sage Cerone, Robin Dalton and Jenny Witte and Tamara Valentine. We are still missing Tamara, if you find her let me know. When Jeanette Jordan, the paper's society matron retired, the Saratogian filled the spot with the Tattler's. The girls write about who attends the galas and fundraising events for our merriment.

    1. Thanks for the explanation. I will continue to not buy the saratogian!

  8. The sun'll come out Tamara, bet your bottom dollar that Tamara.....

    You're always a day away!
