Tuesday, August 21, 2012


In ground breaking news it seems that there is a story spreading around local coffee shops and in downtown restaurants’ that a local blogger that we won’t mention (the one with the red nose, blood shot eyes and beard) has been getting his funding from a local businessman who we won’t mention (his name rhymes with Daisy with an M) and that his ‘cancer screenings) are a way to so solicit funds for his trips to Double Vision in Clifton Park.  I want to tell you right now that I have no hard proof of this but the story is getting more steam behind it every day.  He has also posted on his site that Saratoga Citizen is behind (a.) funding Lee Harvey Oswald. (b.) Saratoga Citizen cut Ted Kennedy’s brakes before going over the Chappaquiddick Bridge and (c.) That Saratoga Citizen has buried Jimmy Hoffa’s body under the monstrosity ‘Tempered by Steel”.  I guess that Big Sugar told him to demonize Saratoga Citizen any way he can, it may be worth $20,000.00 for him to go a little more overboard, that might be why he was wearing an aluminum foil cap with a 6” antenna and hopping on one leg on Broadway the other day.

Mayor Johnson will officially open the Waterfront beach this week.  He will cut the ribbon so you can drive up to the property.  You may not swim, boat, raft or go water tubing yet as the place isn’t finished, as a matter of fact it’s only about 20% finished, and this is after our Little Caesar Mayor Johnson told us last year it would be complete by May of 2012.  He was waiting and salivating hoping for a lawsuit to feed his buddies in Glens Falls but since there was no lawsuit he got a little behind (now don’t think dirty, not that kind of little behind).  Here it is the end of August and he will open the beach for swimming from Nov.1 thru March 31.  I just can’t wait until he cuts the ribbon for the Grand Opening of the Public Toilets in the Spring.  Saratoga was #2 in Some Great City Magazine for best ribbon cutting for public toilets in the lower 48. #1 was a his and hers igloo in Nome.

Well it’s time to go out and do some crime fighting or look for Tamara; I bet that makes you all happy.

If you can think of anything else that Saratoga Citizen is responsible for let me know.  The one about Saratoga Citizen making blouses for Mary Zlotnik with those plunging necklines is already taken.


  1. So far Barb Lombardo has not printed anything on the NYS Comptroller auditing and Attorney General investigating Frank's dept. in a total mess with all the unethical practices going on there. She writes about a bag of garbage being dumped is a shock but when it comes to possible fraud it's not news worthy. An investigation isn't just a random act by the Attorney General. It's a good chance there is substance to the story.

  2. Still nothing on the cover up in the accounts department from the saratogian.

  3. Seems that Ben lives on is making progress with the accounts department ordeal. Maybe you should look into this. Taxpayers have a right to know. Of course yet another day goes by and Saratogian has failed to print anything.

  4. We'll let Ben spin his crazy things. I would say if this goes as deep as it looks nobody will find out the whole story except an audit by the State. It is easy to say who, what, where and why but like everything else let's wait until everything plays out. It may be worse that it looks now; we also know how Big Ben can spin a story so that aliens are behind this whole mess. As far as the Saratogian what do you expect? Dennis Yusko does a better job of investigative reporting in Saratoga than our 'hometown paper', not surprising, is it?

  5. Not surprising but nothing at all? This isn't just poor journalism but more like covering up for John Franck. He has always screamed about being transparent then why isn't he? I believe the NYS Comptrollers office was just down at city hall a few weeks ago. They may still be there. The housing Authority had a few bedbugs which Franck and his friends at the paper made into a national disaster. In the end nothing was found wrong anywhere. But they sure did a lot of printing there.

  6. I know what you mean, that's why I'll keep up with Dennis Yusko. He'll give the facts and be fair and honest, he'll also give us good reports so we can keep up with the progress of what is going on.

  7. Captain, the problem with that is most saratogians don't get the times union and this story of possible corruption impacts them directly. People can't complain about something that is hidden from them. Here another day goes by and no saratogian report. Looks like a coverup.
