Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Some interesting news the Justice League has heard from a Republican plant in City Hall (yes, we also have those).  What is going on in City Hall recently sounds like a good old soap opera.

 Oh! what a tangled web we weave,
When first we practice to deceive!
By: Sir Walter Scott

Well, the news goes like this.  The reason behind the executive session the other day was to get rid of the HR person that Pinnacle designated to City Hall.  It seems that none other than Mary Zlotnick (you all remember her?) was dating the HR fellow that worked in City Hall.  I guess we could call Mary a working girl, but there is nothing good that comes out of ‘pillow talk’, and this is probably the main reason of Ms. Zlotnick’s insubordination (could be because she wouldn’t stop the affair) and subsequent  termination and the following reason Mary ‘came clean’. The Mayor tried his best to keep the Company that works 3 days a week for a price of over $1,400.00 per day and it was pointed out by the Council that the budget line for the job would run out at the end of September.

Now remember, at the Council embattled Commissioner Franck made an argument and his motion was passed to give notice to terminate the Pinnacle contract.  The decision to get rid of the HR person and his company was done because of a possible lawsuit down the road for the City and Ms. Zlotnick.

This will be a series worth watching and the players seem to be changing every day.

More about the plant in City Hall.  It is a Variegated Ivy, so if you are standing by one do not talk, and if it’s red as a lobster, it’s Mayor Johnson.


  1. Sick of the disciplesSeptember 6, 2012 at 2:16 PM

    She was having an affair with the HR Director? Is that a crime? Is that more serious than a guy who has deceived the uneducated on assessments? What about Franck? Did he or did he not have a relationship with a Harris Beach employee? It could be just a rumor but aren't they all?

  2. I fail to see why the two consenting adults being together is grounds for dismissal. Is there some policy that you can't date a co employee? This is very fishy.

    1. In most businesses but not all, it is policy that you cannot date a fellow employee. The reason is just what happened in this case, especially when an HR person is privy to confidential information. I'm not suggesting he let this kind of information slip out but its clear that something happened.

  3. Is it Captain AMerica, or Captains America, as suggested in Tighe's blog?

    They are saying your are two, not one Captain.
    Care to elaborate?

  4. Why is it clear Capt.? Because John Franck said so? What about what was said about Franck and his rumored relationship with someone who represents the city. It is fishy as stated above. Why is the saratogian covering up when the Gazette and Times Union have covered this issue the moment they heard about it.
