Tuesday, September 4, 2012


The answer is so simple I shouldn’t even ask the question.  However, I can’t help myself when it’s about someone who is such a schmuck. 
When is a person not a citizen of Saratoga?  Answer- When he doesn’t live in Saratoga.

At the City Council meeting tonight we witnessed again, a person who plops himself in the front row so he can tape the meetings and also be the first one in line to make comments or statements to the Council regarding City business.

HEY TIGS, YOU DON’T LIVE IN SARATOGA SPRINGS.  He has castigated the Veitch family because several of the clan works for the City.  It is hilarious because he admitted at the meeting tonight that 1. His father was Fire Chief, 2. His uncle was Police Chief, 3. Another uncle was a Captain on the force and 4. He worked for the City (his supervisor of his told me that he was about to get fired because he couldn’t even back up a truck, so he got ‘hurt’ in the nick of time to collect permanent disability).  He and his family have been sucking from the tit of the City and its citizens and he criticizes the Veitch clan with hateful spew.  Naughty fruitcake.

Also some information that came out of the meeting was the fact that John Franck and his office except for Mary Zlotnick had done nothing wrong in the ‘Assessment Saga’.  Also the problem here is that the Human Resource fellow that works for the City and gets paid over $1,400.00 a week for 3 work days per week may have leaked confidential information out and Zlotnick may have been the recipient.  The Council over Mayor Johnson’s protests (it would seem that he may be getting some kickback money, although the only proof is that even after discussing the topic last week with the rest of the Council, pleaded amnesia about what went on in the meeting.  Franck alluded to the fact that he heard Johnson snoring).

It looks like Zlotnick might find herself in a lawsuit brought by the City for leaking confidential information (a pattern that she cannot learn from).  I don’t think that anything went Johnson’s way.  Johnson at one point accused the Council of being political, can you imagine that?  He even trapped himself when Pat Kane from Saratoga Citizen made reference that Deputy Mayor Shauna ‘Tuna’ Sutton has been keeping the ballot wording buried under a stack of papers.  The Mayor jumped right on Kane saying his department has nothing to do with the matter.  Later in the meeting it was pointed out that the City Attorney was working on the draft (the City Attorneys work under Johnson’s Department) and he started to stutter a string of excuses.

The Mayor did make one great point; he suggested that a professional was needed in the HR department “because it is very important to have a professional”.  I guess he thinks we don’t need a professional working for the Council to streamline and run a more efficient government, to that point he would like to keep the amateurs running the City. 

The Mayor also announced tonight that he finalized the Lillian's parking lot deal after 5 years with Sonny Bonaccio.  The City recieved $750,000.00 which is 1/2 the price they could have gotten.  The other reason this sounds crazy is that the plans of what Bonacio is going to build on the lot were approved years ago, long before he paid for the lot (can you say Johnson & Bonacio in the same breath?)

Johnson may be nearing an impeachment as he has clearly put himself and his interests ahead of the City’s.

Well, time to go out and fight crime, I think I will go down to Malta and see who’s causing trouble there.


  1. I guess you are part of the Franck coverup team. You better believe he isn't even close to being innocent in this whole mess. His usual grandstanding like he did last night really didn't fool anyone except for maybe you writing this blog. The attorney general would not be investigatng unless there was something there. Your feable attempt at covering for Franck doesn't cut the mustard. Try looking into Franck's link with Ken Ivins and his dealings as he worked for Franck while on the council.

  2. Franck is a disgrace to his office and needs to resign immediately! We are relentless and will not stop until he is gone.

  3. You can't change my take on this subject. The zombies that want to keep this alive are the ones with an axe to grind. The explanation Franck gave was enough for me to understand the process. If some of you can’t understand it or do not want to, that’s up to you. I am not covering for anyone. If you were at the Council meeting last night, it was obvious who wants to keep this going, the ‘first speaker’ during the public forum (who has no right to speak because he doesn’t even live in Saratoga) and Mayor Johnson. The Mayor almost had a stroke after the explanation and never recovered throughout the meeting. It is amazing how one rules when he doesn’t have bobble heads at the table but members who are looking out for all the citizens. I would urge you however, to keep your attacks alive, you not only make yourselves look crazy but you also shine a bad light on the Mayor, who is losing credibility every day.

  4. I got news for you. I am no fan of Johnson. Never was. I voted for Franck. Twice. But he has turned into Tommy "The Tulip" McTygue. If you don't get your way just yell and scream at everone and try to intimidate. Create diversion with the smoke and mirrors routine and wear people down. He is up to this to his neck. What is crazy is you condoning his behavior when you know the McTygues who you hate are in this too. Part of the master plan to get their foot back in the door at city hall. Maybe you think nailing Johnson no matter what by making a deal with the devil is the way to go but I disagree.

  5. Thank you for your news. I don't condone Frank's behavior except that he explained why and what went on and it satisfied me. I nail Johnson because he deserves it and no one else will bring it forward. There is no deal with the devil but when a person appears to have done nothing wrong and isn't proved guilty it's a non issue. If the AG's office finds corruption, I will be the first to fall in line to get rid of him. Only in Saratoga Springs are you guilty before you can be proved innocent.

    1. Ain't that the truth. Why did Franck spend so much of the cities time chasing after the Housing Authority and came up empty. Smoke and mirrors. He had an investigation going on himself at the same time he was harassing honest working people. He still hasn't come clean. The Housin Authority was guilty before proven innocent. You didn't then care then nor do you care now. You people all had The Housing Authority under a microscope. Where is his explanation for that? That's a non issue because John Franck is always right and Housing Authority employees are always wrong I suppose.

  6. Don't lump me in with the blogger and his friends that tore into the SSHA, Remiga,the Sellers, Diamond, McTygue's etc. and are keeping it alive. I never wrote anything about the SSHA. The bed bug issue was taken care of.
