Monday, July 16, 2012


Say it isn’t so.  It looks like John Herrick’s head popped out of the musical box again.  He has thrown his hat into the ring to succeed Jasper Nolan as Republican County Chairman.

This is the same Herrick that caused so much turmoil as City Chairman he ‘resigned’ his post after the 2011 elections. 

This is the same Herrick that allied himself so close with Scott Johnson that he muffed up the rest of the Council causing the majority to go to the Democrats.
This is the same Herrick that let the post go to his head, walking around with his head held up saying look at me, pretty me, pretty Chairman... very pretty Chairman.  The only other news that would make us pause at the Justice League is if Andrew Jarosh threw his hat in the ring.

In all honesty, I feel Chris Callaghan would be better suited for the position of Republican County Chairman.  Where is Jenny Scarano when you need her?


  1. Fort Miller guy ? He was strutting long before he was chairman....

    At least Chris might be providing funny songs on politics.....

  2. Wow, it's a little disturbing what lasting impressions are left in one's mind because of the internet.

    1. Kind of like Clifton Park's GOP ?
