Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Nancy Muldoon aka Citizen Nancy

Hello Wednesday.  Well, Citizen Nancy signed off for what we hope will be a short hiatus.  While we here at the Justice League wish her good luck in her future endeavors we will certainly miss the cutting edge stories and the on point interviews she has given us.  I can’t think of one blog that gave Saratoga Springs better information and most of the time, breaking news features, than Citizen Nancy did.  It’s rare that one can write a blog and back up everything up with facts.  Sometimes her stories weren’t that popular because she pushed the envelope in getting to the heart of the matter and that upset some people, but that didn’t stop Nancy from writing a story or just giving her honest view of a subject matter.

Again, we wish you well Nancy and hope you get back to the blog soon; someone needs to keep Saratoga in line.


  1. Truth is incontrovertible, ignorance can deride it, panic may resent it, malice may destroy it, but there it is. Winston Churchill

  2. Thanks Captain America, whoever you are!

  3. Nancy Muldoon is a hack. As are most bloggers but yours here has potential. There are too many people these days floating around Saratoga thinking they are someone to be reckoned with. People such as Phil Diamond, Al Colucci, John Kauffman, John Tighe, Remiga Foy, Karen Klotz and anyone named McTygue. They have all crawled out from unders rocks somewhere and all have no love for our city.

  4. I know with somme Nancy isn't taken as being serious, but when reading her stories and interviews they are fact filled and interviews are just that interviews. It brings to mind the 'interview' that Barb Lombardo, editor of the Saratogian had the other day with the City of Beacon's City Manager. Sources tell me that Barb interviewed the Manager in person for a little over an hour and the newspaper on line had a 1 minute 35 second audio interview, I'm sure if Barb did a good interview the whole thing could have been showed online, but oh well. Whatever one thinks of Citizen Nancy, I feel the blog will be missed. Thanks for the compliment, I'll try and live up to your expectations and hope you will let me know if I don't and why.

  5. And what about the cast of characters mentioned?

  6. Nancy did fine work. He expose on the aparking structure was classic!
