Tuesday, July 24, 2012


When you look at the good work non-profits do in Saratoga Springs you have to appreciate all the hard work that is done by the volunteers and the paid Director’s and support staff.
We have the unfortunate miserable luck to have in our area a blogger that is so hateful and acidic that we all should be ashamed to even say hello to this idiot.  I don’t mention his name not because I shouldn’t but because hardly anyone reads his blog and I wouldn’t want you to even bother to go and take a look at it.  He writes hate filled articles, then comments anonymously about his own article.  If you happen to be involved as an unpaid volunteer, drink a cup of coffee with your left hand, in need of a hair cut or any other of about 1,000 things, he will find a way to start to attack you (I have never been on his hit list, so this is not pay back).

This ‘blogger’ is now degrading every non profit director who makes a salary for doing their job.  He has gone after the YMCA, Saratoga Bridges, and SPAC and will be starting on the Hospital and Prevention Council next, according to his hit list.

It is hard to understand why this guy is filled with so much hate.  Everyone can complain (even I, your Captain does), but this guy takes the cake.  He has been out of work because of a ‘disability’ from the City for years, collecting a fat check every month that comes from OUR money and he demands that Director’s of non profits are “overpaid leeches”.  If he only sat in the chair of a Director for 1 week he still would not be able to comprehend all the work and extra time that goes into the job.

So non profits, we want to take the time to say thank you for all of your dedication and hard work, our City is in the hands of some terrific people.

1 comment:

  1. This blogger you speak of has been a festering boil on the asses of anyone who has tried to help people. He attacks the building and promotion of wealth in our city but in the same breath praises a mayor who is responsible for this freedom to builders and developers. Non profits are a big part of the community that he claims to love yet he denounces their very existence.
